(403) 252 -3429

(403) 252 -3429




What an exciting age! Your child is now beginning to discover who they are and where they fit in! Ask questions like ' why? And are now becoming small problem solvers.

4.5 to 6 years

Development goals

When your children are in the Preschool program, our primary goal is to provide them with the skills needed to thrive in Kindergarten and in future classrooms they will be attending. We will work on several aspects, such as:


Play organized games with rules, create friendships, and have understanding and empathy for others (begin to understand the difference between right and wrong)


Develop complex motor skills, refine coordination, move more, with intent and precision, drawing and printing.


Greater attention span, speaking with greater clarity, using descriptive language and grammar appropriately, and telling stories and jokes/riddles.

Transition week

For some, your children will transition from our Preschool program; for others, this is the first time your children are with us! We have a transition period for any situation. For our new friends, we will have you spend time in the classroom while your children interact with the new faces and spaces. In the next few days, we will slowly ask you to leave the room, increasing their confidence to be independent.

Please note that this is a general template and we will work with you and we will

the necessary adjustments! We want this to be a peaceful process for your family.

Contact us

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Our team will contact you as soon as possible to continue with the process.