(403) 252 -3429

(403) 252 -3429



Junior And Senior Toddlers

Young children have a great need to learn to do things by themselves. They are also beginning to learn about themselves; This allows them to understand others.

19 months +

Development goals

Through Interaction with their friends, they learn about sharing and developing fine and gross motor skills.


Interaction with their friends, they begin to learn about sharing, development of fine and gross motor skills.


Learn how to feed themselves, drink from a cup, scribble with crayons, put on their shoes and jackets, dance, jump, run, and begin learning to use the bathroom.


Understand and follow routines, such as circle time, which is to read and sing while sitting to expand their attention span (building up to 30 minutes).

Transition week

For some, your child will be transitioning from our Infants program; for others, this will be the first time your child will be with us! We have a transition period for any of the situations. For our new friends, we will ask them to spend time in the room while your child interacts with new faces and spaces. During the next few days, we will ask them to gradually step out of the room, building your child's confidence to be independent. Please see section k in the handbook for a better understanding.

Please note that this is a general template and we will work with you and we will

the necessary adjustments! We want this to be a peaceful process for your family.

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