(403) 252 -3429

(403) 252 -3429



Frequently asked questions

Bilingual children are definitely not more likely to have difficulties with the language than monolingual children. It would be unusual experience delays in the learning or be diagnosed with a language disorder. Children nacenen ready to learn the language or languages of their environment without confusion or delay. If crecieras in Switzerland as a child, there is a good chance that you would speak to three or even four languages.

Yes. We offer a transition plan, for both part-time and full-time students, before the official start date.
Yes. Little Worlds Learning Center offers breakfast, two snacks and lunch daily, all based on the Food Guide in Canada.
You can contact us by e-mail or call us by phone and we will work with you to book an appointment that is mutually convenient.
Yes. Families needing subsidy should apply through the Alberta Government website at https://www.alberta.ca/child-care-subsidy.aspx


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